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Bloom Where You Are Planted.

A Life Lesson Blog by Molly Campbell

Seeking Stability

As a tree matures, not only does it grow taller and broader, but also the roots underneath the ground grow deeper and stronger. It’s easy to primarily consider the part of the tree that we can see because we can only observe how colorful or how grand it may be. However, it’s extremely important not to forget how that tree is able to stand so steadfastly: it’s roots.

Just as a tree grows, we are given an opportunity in this life to flourish into this beautiful, grand vision that we hold for ourselves. As many grow in aspirations, popularity, wealth and abilities, I have noticed that oftentimes a key component is overlooked: the part of ourselves that ground us. The older I get and the more I observe the world around me, the more I come to realize that many my age are lacking critical core values that give life purpose and stability. Though it is important to grow taller and wider in our capabilities and intelligence, it is also extremely vital that we don’t forget to grow deeper and stronger in the values that give us purpose. Imagine if a tree were to grow taller and broader without also contributing the energy needed to deepen and strengthen its roots. If a storm were to come and challenge that tree, the tree would most likely topple over because it wasn’t steadfast enough in its roots to withstand the weight of its own branches as it was swayed by the wind. I feel that in today’s world, many are giving weight to their own imbalance when life throws challenges their way.

We are individuals that need routine, need love, need stability and need perspective. We are individuals that need something to believe in because we are individuals that need direction.

Now, many of you know that I am Mormon—which ultimately means I am Christian. My belief system gives me all of the above: routine, love, stability, perspective, motivation and direction. I am not saying that you have to convert to Christianity and cling to the good old fashion values that I center my life on. However, I will say that I find myself feeling extremely stable when life decides to throw a curve ball my way because of the fact that I have established beliefs for myself. Knowing in my heart that there is a greater purpose to life, that there is a God who wants me to succeed, that through Him I can do hard things, and that serving others will help me to feel His love, pushes me through the toughest of times. I encourage you to establish your own belief system that truly speaks to you, or at least find a cause that gives your life purpose, because, let’s get real, when you have to go through something difficult in your life, how can you possibly feel grounded or find the perspective to pull you through if you don’t even know what you believe in yourself?

Though my religion is centered at the core of who I am, I have also established roots in other aspects of my life, as should you. Seeking stability through the experience of nature and exploration has allowed me to gain a better perspective because it reminds me that I am not the only thing living in this world. There is something truly life changing about being in a place that allows you to connect with nature—and I’m not talking about the kind of connecting that involves the use of your phone. It is vital that we learn when to put down our technology and to turn our attention towards the natural world. When we allow ourselves to experience something natural, and not man made, we are allowing ourselves to contribute attention to something that has nothing to do with us, which, in my opinion, our society could use more of. To give attention to something that has nothing to do with you, allows you to remember that there is more in this world than just you. This is not the kind of self- awareness that confines your focus solely to your own feelings and desires, but the kind of self- awareness that allows you to understand the impact you have over other people’s lives and the world around you. This is the kind of self- awareness that is seriously lacking in our society, but an essential trait one must have if they are seeking more stability in their life.

I think there’s a common misconception in our society that to be stable means that you must be immobile. Though that may be somewhat true for a tree, if mobility means more than swaying in the wind, it is certainly not true for us. If anything, to become more grounded or to grow in stability, it undoubtedly requires that we continually move forward. Life is a balancing act, and there is no better feeling than the security of your own steadiness.

About the Blog

Bloom Where You Are Planted is meant to be a blog for both myself and anyone else who may be looking for ways to find more joy in life. We don't get to choose the circumstances we grow up in or the challenges that life throws our way. However, we can choose where we go from there and how we let it affect us. This blog is meant to address little changes we can make in our lives to help us bloom into the best possible version of ourselves no matter where we may be planted.

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